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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Post the Seventh: The start of the next step.

While my focus is, and will continue to be in the apparel industry, I am a fan of upcycling in any arena.  The first step of the Reclaim Project, Education, is in progress, and so it is time to start step two:  The Production of First Products.  While this sounds quite grand, many of the first times are quite small.  The first of these has just been posted to etsy and e-bay.  What is it, you ask?  They are Santa Keys.  Ever since I was very little I loved skeleton keys.  They are beautiful, artistic and, today, quite useless.  Within the Steampunk genre they have seen a promising resurgence as something to keep instead of throw away, but are often twisted or soldered into art pieces or jewelry.  I was trying to find a way for the keys to stand on their own when I thought of the idea of the Santa Keys.  Here is the story... 

What child could bare the thought that Santa could not come in to leave,
The wonderful gifts of which they dream the night on Christmas Eve?

So, leave your key and wish so hard on the magical eve before,
And you will find that special thing with the key that unlocks any door.

Have you ever heard of Santa's Keys?

I have. Let me tell you the story...

In the beginning, there were no locks on doors. As he went from town to town and home to home, Santa Clause could slip in quietly and fill the shoes of the children with sweets and toys. As the world grew, doors began to have locks, but all homes had fireplaces. Dear Mr. Clause could easily slip down the chimney to place gifts under the trees and in the stockings hanging from the mantles. One year, Santa found that too many doors were locked and too few homes had chimneys. From the worry that good girls and boys might not get their presents that year, Santa had his elves make magic keys. If a child set out one of these keys at night, Santa would be able to bring in the wondrous gifts for each child.

So, on Christmas Eve, put out your key and think of your one wish. If you think it hard enough, in the morning you will find it, together with the key for you to use the next year.